Gmail Searching

25 November, 2004

I hadn’t realised until just this minute that Gmail allows a query syntax similar to that of Lookout. Lookout’s search query syntax is so intuitive that I typed it into my Gmail search box without even realising, but when it returned the mails I actually wanted I was amazed! It’s all probably in the documentation somewhere, but I really hadn’t noticed.

If you’ve used Lookout before you’ll know exactly what kind of things you can do:

In fact, if you click “Show search options” next to the search box and type some values in the boxes, then the exact query syntax that was used is shown at the top of your results like this:

How to construct queries

Happy searching!

See other posts tagged with general and all posts made in November 2004.


26 November, 2004 at 13:16

If you use labels (and you have implemented the ‘unread’ label) you can show only unread entries in any label by searching for label:unread label:mylabel

28 November, 2004 at 20:38

Cool – nice tip!