December 2004

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  1. Search your gmail in Firefox
    Published on 01 December in general
  2. MSN Spaces launched
    Microsoft launched Spaces today. Dear God it’s shit. I don’t really have much more to say on the matter, so I’ll just quote one of my workmates who also ...
    Published on 02 December in general
  3. New design
    I finally got around to spending ten minutes to create a new design for this site that I might not hate quite as much as the last one. The HTML is slightly better, the CSS is just as bad, and links...
    Published on 14 December in general
  4. Wikispam
    I’ve always known that wikispam exists, just like comment spam exists, but up until now I’ve never run into much of either (all praise the
    Published on 14 December in general
  5. David Blunkett resigns
    Within the last thirty minutes, David Blunkett (wikipedia, BBC), the Home ...
    Published on 15 December in general
  6. Browser and Aggregator Usage Statistics
    So, a quick twelve-monthly roundup for usage of is in order I think. For these stats I only looked at the fifty most frequent visitng...
    Published on 15 December in general
  7. Treasure Island Dizzy for PC
    I’ve put it in my but until the inbox is working again, no-one will see it – Codemasters have released
    Published on 17 December in general
  8. Flickr-tastic
    If you’ve not used Flickr yet, do. It’s brilliant. When I first signed up I didn’t really like the emphasis on the s...
    Published on 18 December in general
  9. Things I want for Christmas from Blogger
    I’ve been using Blogger to power this blog for more than two years now, and whilst the frills have become nicer, the core functionality provided hasn’t changed much in that time (except for comment...
    Published on 24 December in general
  10. Technorati's Attention.xml
    I’m sure they mean well. But really. When you say something like
    Published on 26 December in general
  11. Tracking comments
    Tracking conversations on other weblogs is a perennial problem. Some people swear by Feedster, others by Technorati, m...
    Published on 26 December in general
  12. Kinja gets it right
    Kinja is the web aggregator everyone forgot. When I go somewhere without my computer and I want to check up on my feeds, I don’t log into
    Published on 26 December in general
  13. FOAF and social networking
    The most interesting thing I’ve noticed about Flickr in the past week is that within one or two-degrees of my Flickr profile I’ve found so many people who...
    Published on 26 December in general