Podcast clients

03 August, 2005

I don’t really listen to podcasts normally LUGRadio and sometimes IT Conversations, but that’s about it.

But now I need a podcast client.

I have an RSS file containing about 200 items, each with an mp3 enclosure and an empty title element (yes, I know, thanks). I want to be able to add this feed to a client and download all the items. Not 10, or 20 or select every single one and then click “update”, I just want them all.

So far no podcast software seems able to do this. A list of the ones I’ve tried so far:

(no iTunes yet – because it installs the iPod checker service, I haven’t been able to install it on this locked-down PC)

If you think one of the clients I’ve listed should be able to handle my request above, please do leave a comment.

See other posts tagged with general and all posts made in August 2005.


03 August, 2005 at 10:25

Have you tried using Jpodder? Java based – not overly pretty or too user-friendly, but I’ve been muddling along with it, and I think it should do what you want, with some right-clicking.


03 August, 2005 at 10:40

Thanks I’ll take a look. I had seen it, but not tried it.

03 August, 2005 at 17:10

Have you looked at fire ant? I’ve played with it a bit. I think it might work for you.

03 August, 2005 at 17:26

Oh, and I just found I/ON just this minute. It says it’ll autodownload. And you might want to watch for Internet tv available from participatory culture foundation aug. 9.

03 August, 2005 at 18:58

Cool, lots of things to check up on there. I seem to remember reading about FireANT before, so that bodes well.

All this TV over the ‘net stuff eh? It’ll never take off 😉

Lance Robinson
04 August, 2005 at 16:47

I’m the primary author of Primetime Podcast Receiver. It can definitely do this. It makes no difference if you have one item or 200 items, if you do not do a “catch-up” on the feed, it will download all items that it has not already downloaded.

05 August, 2005 at 09:42

It looks like it would work fine, if it could detect any items in my feed at all (“Found 0 new items”), I’m obviously missing something vital from my feed (I don’t have a length attribute on my enclosures, but this really shouldn’t be stopping PPR from detecting the items).

23 August, 2005 at 00:59

This may be a little late, but I’d be curious to try your file with a client I’m working on. If you’re willing, please send a copy of the file to
