Wanted: Reactive Agent Frank

28 May, 2008

Agent Frank was super-useful as a personal proxy back in the day, but in the end it introduced too much of a delay into my daily browsing and I turned it off.

Now that Firefox’s history is powered by a SQLite database I was hoping to be able to query it for my history every x minutes, request the pages and store and index them locally.

The documentation of SQLite on MDC seems to be quite lightweight but what it does tell us is this:

“How to corrupt your database: Open the database from an external program while it is open in Mozilla”

Balls. Other ideas?

See other posts tagged with general xul and all posts made in May 2008.


Aristotle Pagaltzis
28 May, 2008 at 13:49

It’s just a file. Can’t you copy it and open the copy?

28 May, 2008 at 14:16

If I do that whilst firefox is running I get a corrupt database.

Aristotle Pagaltzis
29 May, 2008 at 02:42

Hmm. Maybe write some trivial Javascript that performs the queries within Firefox and then use JSSh to pull them out into an external process?

29 May, 2008 at 09:46

Yes, that did occur to me too, but is tragically more work than a cron job with a SQL statement in it 😉