wxVenus, FeedDemon and Vista

16 August, 2008

I’ve basically done no work on wxVenus for one big reason: FeedDemon.

I was trying a number of different desktop aggregators for a few days at a time to see which UI components and methods of feed reading I liked the most, but ended up never leaving FeedDemon. Everything about it is just so compelling now that I don’t have a Linux-based computer that I use regularly – even if I did I’d probably just use the tolerable NewsGator web interface.

I haven’t looked seriously at the desktop aggregators for a couple of years, but I remember using FeedDemon back in 2004 (before it had Atom support), but now that it’s free and has feed syncing (via the Newsgator online service) it seems that the desktop aggregator battle is over. FeedDemon won.

See other posts tagged with general syndication tools and all posts made in August 2008.


Nick Bradbury
17 August, 2008 at 11:34

Thanks for the kudos, Phil. Glad to hear my work has made you less productive 🙂