A tastier bookmarking tool

10 January, 2011

The practical stuff first.

In February 2009, inspired by Pete Prodoehl, I set up my own version of scuttle, an open source clone, and hacked it to auto-post my bookmarks to my account using the php-delicious library.

I have finally pushed this to github. My change is literally about ten lines of code, although as my delicious account testifies, it has bugs that I haven’t been bothered to fix. It is currently version 0.7.4 of scuttle, and I plan on merging it to the latest 0.9 in a day or two.

Update: actually it looks like I set this up in 2006, way before I remember!

See other posts tagged with bookmarking general php raster scuttle and all posts made in January 2011.


12 January, 2011 at 02:50

I have scuttle, too. If you ever need PHP 5.3 fixes, holler.

12 January, 2011 at 06:20

Thanks! I’ve just started an upgrade of my whole server, so I may take you up on that!