6 posts tagged with "coding"

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Brick wall

15 October, 2015 - 199 words
So I wanted to parse the feed I retrieved yesterday, and now I know a bit more about how the package system works, I just search NuGet and found SimpleFeedReader $ dnu install SimpleFeedReader At this point Visual Studio Code prompts me that it needs to run the restore command, so I click the butt...

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Retrieve an Atom feed in .NET Core

12 October, 2015 - 168 words
After yesterday’s adventure and recent forehead-smacking, this seemed like an appropriate, and small, goal. After some Googling I found RestSharp, which bills itself as a Simple REST and HTTP API Client for .NET

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Getting started with .NET Core

11 October, 2015 - 376 words
It’s been a few years since I last used .net so I thought I’d give it a go. It was slightly more eventful 30 minutes than I’d have liked, so I thought I’d write it up. I started by trying to install Visual Studio, but half an hour later it was still under 50% done, and since I only wanted to be writing scripts rather than applications, I started looking for some smaller getting started g...

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57 days

05 November, 2013 - 186 words
Yesterday, with the return of my family from holiday, I forgot to make changes to any of my projects in GitHub, and broke my commit streak at 57 days. Initially I’d aimed for making changes on 30 consecutive days, just to try and get some momentum up in making progress on a couple of fairly low-key projects that hadn’t been going anywhere, and ...

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Being a good developer

24 June, 2008 - 304 words
In my last appraisal at work I got asked what I thought makes a good developer. I didn’t give a very good answer, mumbling something about keeping up with current developments, reading around the subject, always trying to improve themselves, comparing yourself to other people and so on. It turns out that in the last few weeks some people have attempted to answer this question for me....

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