July 2004

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  1. Mozilla can fuck off
    Published on 01 July in general
  2. Windows messenger contact list to FOAF
    Published on 03 July in general
  3. Museums start to get mobile technology
    Published on 04 July in general
  4. Livejournal comment spam
    Published on 09 July in general
  5. RSS reader evangelism
    Published on 09 July in general
  6. Spellchecking in Firefox
    Published on 14 July in general
  7. Newsreaders in Firefox
    Published on 14 July in general
  8. I hate Outlook
    Published on 15 July in general
  9. Lookout bought out
    Published on 19 July in general
  10. Wow, thanks Hotmail!
    Published on 25 July in general
  11. Jabber presence for my phone calls
    Published on 25 July in general
  12. HTML headings and XHTML
    Published on 26 July in general