August 2005

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  1. XML User Profiles
    XUP is an attempt to replace static per-site user accounts, which most present dynamic web sites use in absence of an easy to use and open/...
    Published on 01 August in general
  2. Words I've heard at work
    I’m now a couple of weeks into my job. Herewith some of the words I’ve heard people use in work-related conversation: RDF FOAF Microformats Podcasting
    Published on 01 August in general
  3. Podcast clients
    I don’t really listen to podcasts normally LUGRadio and sometimes IT Conversations, but that’s about it. But now I need a podcast client. I have an RSS file containing about 200 items...
    Published on 03 August in general
  4. Use Jabber resources to update your location on Google Maps
    When I’m online I’m mostly either at home or at work, and then I’m almost always logged in to my Jabber server. Also, I use different resources home and work....
    Published on 03 August in general
  5. Google maps based on your current location
    Jim Hughes has pointed me, quite separately at two resources: the latitude and lo...
    Published on 03 August in general
  6. Foreign language weblogs
    I’m currently subscribed to over 200 feeds, so it’s really annoying when I come across a weblog like Christoph Görn’s, which he writes in both German and E...
    Published on 03 August in general
  7. Capturing teletext
    One of my daily habits is reading GameCentral (Channel 4, Teletext, pages 375-379) every day. Except that at the moment my telly reception, despite being cable, is so poor that I only actually get ...
    Published on 09 August in general
  8. Private feeds
    Twelve months ago, Stewart Butterfield posted in the Flickr forums saying: We’re continuing to look at private feeds, but it is not easy. S...
    Published on 10 August in general
  9. EA in "publishing good game" shocker!
    We Love Katamari is the sequel to Katamari Damacy, and looks like being every bit as good as the original but with a two-player mode and better minigames. We Love Katamari will be published ...
    Published on 12 August in general
  10. Using MySQL-Front 2.5 with newer MySQL versions
    Just for my own reference, because I keep forgetting the syntax and having to Google it: SET PASSWORD FOR 'some_user'@'some_host' = OLD_PASSWORD('mypass');
    Published on 14 August in general
  11. Dear Magpie: Don't unescape my content, thanks
    Bug 1212662: Don’t unescape html entities in ‘description’ or ‘content’ ...
    Published on 14 August in general
  12. Auto-tagging items in FeedOnFeeds
    I’ve just added the facility to tag feeds in my version of FeedOnFeeds so that I can group blogs together and read through them more quickly, and in a more focussed manner. I’m planning on a...
    Published on 14 August in general
  13. I (heart) the RDFers
    Every time anyone dares to question RDF the RDFites assume they don’t know how it works. That’s a really bad state of affairs, but also one that I’ve fortunately n...
    Published on 15 August in general
  14. Feed on Feeds and dc:subject (again)
    Well, after making my last brave post, I realised that FeedOnFeeds natively supports the dc:subject element and stores it in its database already. Hurray. Or not, really. Because what it act...
    Published on 15 August in general
  15. RSS 3 (another one)
    Despite the fact that RSS 3.0 already exists, some guy seems have started RSS Version 3. I’m not s...
    Published on 18 August in general
  16. Google Jabber client and server
    Google Talk is finally out and is based on XMPP for text chat. This means that any normal Jabber client can also connect to Google’s servers and use it. At...
    Published on 24 August in general
  17. Using to tag your posts (and failing)
    Yes, Tom Coates and Ben Hammersley, I’m talking to you. Please make your tagging useful by using rel=”tag”....
    Published on 24 August in general
  18. Dear Gmail
    Any mail I receive that only contains Russian characters is spam. Ditto for Asian languages. Either Gmail‘s spam filter has been loosened, or the spammer...
    Published on 24 August in general
  19. Understanding reviews in FOAF
    A few months ago I signed up for FilmTrust. It’s an interesting project in which you can rate and reviews films and also add friends and add how much you trust their film ratings. The natural progr...
    Published on 25 August in general