Publish your blogroll

03 May, 2024

You can view an HTML version of my blogroll here, and also download the OPML from that page. Some of the links are probably dead, but they don't show up in my feed reader so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Screenshot of the blogroll page

The webpage is statically generated from the OPML when my site is rebuilt (if I've updated the OPML!) using the load_data function of Zola.

The code is super-trivial and you can see it on GitHub here.

You can do the same thing in Hugo but with more complexity using resources.GetRemote) or if you can run your own code then you can covert it to JSON and parse it more easily like Andrew Williams shows you here.

I've also added a new <link> element in my blog template to point to the OPML after following the guidance on

The rendering of both the blog name and the domain it's on was inspired by how Eric Gregorich does his

See other posts tagged with opml and all posts made in May 2024.