21 February, 2003

Just like everyone else in the world is probably now saying, ESPN have redesigned to use an almost all CSS layout.

This is good news.

Firstly because it’s another big site turning to use CSS-only layout (see: Wired, W3C, Netscape devedge), but secondly, and perhaps more importantly, because it’s a Microsoft site, and that means they must be confident that the majority of the visitors to the site are going to have proper CSS-compliant browsers. Come in Netscape 4, your time is up.

With luck this could mean that tools like Frontpage might start producing ValidHTML and making people use CSS instead of tables, font tags, and all other such horrors.

As Zeldman points out, the ESPN site still has it’s faults, but it’s a massive boost.

See other posts tagged with general and all posts made in February 2003.