1015 posts tagged with "general"

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Yaffle - a toy RSS reader for Yarr

07 June, 2024 - 305 words
I spent some time in April and May making a toy cross-platform desktop RSS reader which uses Yarr as its backend. It's called Yaffle. It looks like this on Windows: It's absolu...

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Guestbook beauty

24 May, 2024 - 106 words
Eva Decker has an incredible guestbook. Not only does it look wonderful but she's also

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Webmentions and a splash of colour

26 April, 2024 - 394 words
What did I get done this week? What am I doing next week? Is there anything where I'd like some support to help me move forward? Well, the confidence to drill into walls and doors without making a colossal mess of it all would be great on the last point. šŸ˜¬

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Books of February 2024

24 March, 2024 - 282 words
As predicted it was impossible to maintain the rate of January, obviously this is a system which I can game if I just read novellas! Ella Minnow Pea ā€“ a fictional story of authoritarianism implemented through removing l...

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Web publishing for yourself

17 March, 2024 - 504 words
ā€œThis paper lays out a unified framework of the ergodic animage, the rule-based and interaction driven part of visual representation in video gamesā€ I do sometimes wonder if other people browse the web in the same way that I do. I was followi...

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Art and science

15 March, 2024 - 295 words
I open a lot of tabs. A lot. Maybe as many as you. Every now and then I have to plough through them and close down stuff Iā€™ve either dealt with, bookmarked, or just forgotten why I opened it in the first place. Iā€™ve given up doing this on my phone where my Firefox tab count is permanently āˆž (literally). So here are some interesting tabs Iā€™ve had open this week:

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RSS for fun and the public good

11 March, 2024 - 258 words
I follow Steve Messerā€™s blog ā€“ heā€™s a product manager in the UK Civil Service, making land and housing data easier to find, use and trust. And he writes weeknotes which I enjoy reading. He mentioned this week that his teamā€™s blog doesnā€™t prod...

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Reanimating a Little Printer project

09 March, 2024 - 637 words
Iā€™ve made a little app which generates an image for you to display or print how many people there are in space right now. The code is here. This is based on work that the excellent design and technology agency BERG did a decade ago with

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Free your mind

07 March, 2024 - 273 words
The absolute best thing about being able to hand over my Head of Software Engineering role to the wonderful Steve Newstead in favour of being a roving problem-solver (currently: incident management processes, procurement workflows, monitoring and alerting, line management coaching) has been the colossal amount of mental capacity it has freed up o...

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