The transparency of open source. or something.

12 May, 2004

Mozilla 1.7 RC1 now has Support for the CSS3 opacity property. (via web-graphics).

As the commentators there have pointed out, Safari has had this for a little while now, and Opera can’t be far behind. I wonder when we could even dream about IE supporting anything like this? Or even CSS1. That would be nice.

Scoble is always talking about how he wants feedback, and how we can make one request to the allegedly-not-dead IE and have that implemented, but it’s bollocks, and a complete smokescreen. As long as someone from MS is even talking publically about IE moving forward then that’s enough to keep the investors happy.

I’m a massive Mozilla/Firefox advocate but the fact that around 80% of my company use a Gecko browser as their default with no prompting from me speaks volumes. We’re talking about QA teams, C++ coders, basically everyone except the finance department :). These aren’t people with a vested interest in web development. They don’t do any web work at all, but Firefox (which is what the majority are using) just provides such a substantially better browser experience that everyone has separately downloaded and installed it on their machines instead of using the browser that comes bundled with their operating system. Now, I’m under no illusions, and until the finance departments in companies around the world are switching voluntarily then nothing will happen to IE and Firefox will just be the illusion of competition which Microsoft can wave at future legislation against them.

When I install Mozilla or Firefox there are about ten extensions which always comes with me. Currently I have exactly twenty extensions installed. Extensions are almost always cited as Firefox’s killer feature, but get this – apart from me, only one guy has anything other than the Googlebar extension installed. That means everyone else is using it for other reasons. Popup blocking without the need for a third-party toolbar. Javascript blocking. Tabbed browsing. A clean, simple interface and a lightning fast rendering engine. It turns out that these are the features that Windows users want. They’re not getting them from IE, and guess what, they probably never will.

See other posts tagged with general and all posts made in May 2004.