Google's new aggregator
07 October, 2005is on
and yes, it’s goddamn terrible, etc. but one thing – this is from Google, right? Where’s the search?
is on
and yes, it’s goddamn terrible, etc. but one thing – this is from Google, right? Where’s the search?
08 October, 2005 at 17:13
08 October, 2005 at 19:44
Charl van Niekerk
13 October, 2005 at 16:06
13 October, 2005 at 20:35
Charl van Niekerk
14 October, 2005 at 15:33
It’s not just that… the search for a feed thing is pretty rubbish, too. I’m sticking with Bloglines!
I don’t blame you!
I must admit that although my main aggregator is FeedOnFeeds, I’m liking some of the features of Rojo.
Personally I beg to differ; I actually prefer this interface above Bloglines because once you use it for a while it sort of grows on you. But I agree that they should have added more options to accommodate a larger user scope.
I don’t like Bloglines either 🙂
I think Google Reader has some excellent features (the keyboard controls and the flash player for podcasts are brilliant), but the overall usability is shockingly bad, the help is poor (as far as I’ve seen it), and the entire thing feels very narrowly focussed to me. I’ve been trying to use it, but I think it’s almost certainly not aimed at technical users and given the poor usability and help, I can’t really work out who it is aimed at.
Of course, it’s just a beta at the mo, so it might get much better 🙂
The thing that really bothers me is that they don’t have enough options how to read your feeds. For example, I think there should be some kind of “group by feed” feature instead of throwing all the feeds together. And that sort by relevance feature I just can’t figure out! 🙂
But luckily I don’t have that many feeds, so it doesn’t bother me too much at the moment still. But somebody seriously needs to create a cool online feed reader! 🙂