Structured Blogging opens up

08 January, 2006

OK so this is old news because I’ve not been the blogging mood, but I think it’s important enough to cover anyway.

In November 2005 I posted that:

by far the weakest point of structuredblogging, head and shoulders above any technical detail, is the total lack of any obvious update since April 2005. To all intents and purposes, the site and project look dead from the outside, offering only an email address where you can send comments and suggestions.

and that

I can’t see that structuredblogging stands a chance of gaining a foothold unless it opens up in the same way that the microformats crowd currently do.

Now, although the point was good, I was writing it from slightly the wrong perspective because as Bob Wyman wrote last month: Structured Blogging is a thing you do — not a format. This misconception was an easy one to make because of the lack of communication coming out of the Structured Blogging camp. No more.

The Structured Blogging website has been updated; there is a Structured Blogging blog; wiki (although a bit lacking in content), and a mailing list. There are new plugins for both WordPress and Movable Type which allow the author of a blog post to create posts packed to the rafters with microformat goodness. That’s right, the Structured Blogging plugins create blog posts with microformats. This is clearly the best way to go about it – creating tools for microformat creation is the current big problem facing microformats, and the Structured Blogging guys are creating solutions. Hurrah for them!

I don’t have an MT blog, but I plan on looking at the new WordPress 2.0 this week, and I’ll be checking out the Structured Blogging plugin and seeing if I feel the same way about it as Rod Boothby does about the MT one.

I’m looking forward to it!

See other posts tagged with general and all posts made in January 2006.


10 January, 2006 at 05:39

Phil, I’m sorry if we’ve been moving slowly, however, we’ve wanted to make sure that we get this stuff built right. Also, it can take a good bit more time to build tools than it can to simply define formats… I hope you like the looks of the new stuff. Also, there will be more coming in the future…

bob wyman