I need a new aggregator
08 July, 2006I’ve not used a desktop aggregator for close to a year now, getting my information instead from these strange and archaic webpages, some of which are mini-aggregators like Digg or my del.icio.us network.
Recently however, I’ve been slowly picking up the pace again (which means visiting more than thirty sites a day) mainly because of I’ve been reading Planet Intertwingly which seems to have a high crossoverlevel with the core of my old aggregator.
I also recently (it was now about four months ago, but it feels recent) promised that I’d put together a cross-platform aggregator based around Planet and WxWidgets. I still want this, and made some small work towards it, putting together some integration between Planet and WikidPad, but it’s not really usable. I really need someone to kick my ass into getting this finished.
Also, I’m beginning to think that w.bloggar isn’t good enough for my needs. There have certainly been times when I’ve wanted to post something but been put off by w.bloggar’s startup time. Just load and let me write my post! Sort out the connectivity later!
17 July, 2006 at 20:57
17 July, 2006 at 22:11
Jason Terk
27 July, 2006 at 19:11
Blogbridge rocks. It’s java, so should play just about anywhere.
they’re just putting the finishing touches on v.3.0, so you might want to try the dev. build weeklies…
Cheers D’Arcy. I never really got on with BlogBridge, I know you’re very keen on it though 🙂
I think I’ve tried it once a year since it started, I guess it’s about time I tried it again 🙂
BlogLines for the win!