IWMW 2006 postscript
08 July, 2006I gave two seminar talks at IWMW 2006, “Sharing and Exploring Team Knowledge with Wikis” and “Exposing yourself on the web with microformats!” (slides for both to come).
These were my first time doing any kind of public speaking since I left school, so I managed to lever-in some internal presentations on how to use wikis in the previous week which were a great intro on what not to do 😉
The IWMW wikis talk seemed to go really really well with lots of questions from the audience, and some good feedback afterwards. The Microformats talk was, er, less successful – mainly due to me turning up to it twenty minutes late due to a mix-up over the starting time (not all my fault!) during which Brian Kelly manfully held the fort – but I think I still got across some of the more important points Both talks covered how the attendees could take these technologies back to their universities and start using them straight away.