On eating good food
06 July, 2008Not that I don’t think that just about every TED talk is great, but this one entitled “What’s wrong with what we eat” by Mark Bittman resonates with how I think about what my wife and I eat.
It turns out we eat around the recommended levels of meat a week (and certainly nothing like the average US figures) but the quality of what we do eat is quite low. I’ve been thinking about getting in to work earlier just so that I’ll have time when I get home to cook a better meal.
Enough of me, here’s the talk:
Devon Young
06 July, 2008 at 23:07
Brian K. Jones
07 July, 2008 at 16:46
This is just what I need. I’ve been eating far too much junk the couple months. Just mindless nibbling while sitting in front of the computer working all day. Not good. I’ve been trying to motivate myself to change that habit and videos like this, do a lot for it. Like, that 4 year old McDonald’s burger video.. have you seen it? I haven’t been to a fast food place since I saw that one. Just can’t stomach it when I become conscious of what I’m really putting in me.
I was lucky to grow up with some knowledge of what “good food” actually was, even if it was impractical or inconvenient to always have handy. At least as I grew older I was empowered with that knowledge when I went out to fend for myself. It’s served me well to be suspicious and question every sign in the grocery store. I’m thrilled that Mark Bittmann points out how ludicrous the “organic” label is when seen in the context of a trip to the grocery store, and when its older definition is compared to an FDA-approved one. Disgusting, really.
Another thing that’s helped my wife and I eat better is that we *both* have a love for cooking. On a stove, using little more than fire and time, and making real food. We aren’t locavores, but we buy local where it makes sense. We aren’t vegetarian or vegan, but our diet is probably closer to what you’d call “healthy” than many. NOte I said “diet”. We still have “exercise” to work on before we can say we’re really “healthy”. Baby steps. 😉