57 days

05 November, 2013

Yesterday, with the return of my family from holiday, I forgot to make changes to any of my projects in GitHub, and broke my commit streak at 57 days.

Initially I’d aimed for making changes on 30 consecutive days, just to try and get some momentum up in making progress on a couple of fairly low-key projects that hadn’t been going anywhere, and although I did cheat a few times (GitHub counts things like opening issues on a repo as ‘activity’ and I have plenty of bugs and features!), the vast majority of my activity was real commits, and I found 30 to be quite easy.

I think this is definitely something I’ll try again, but probably in 30-day chunks (each day only tends to give me ~30 minutes free to do any coding at home!), and probably with a more well-defined plan about what I’m actually expecting myself to ship within that time.

Anyway, despite the fact that I’ve finally broken my run, I’m pleased that I managed to get so much higher than I’d originally aimed for. Onwards!

See other posts tagged with coding general github and all posts made in November 2013.

Comments » Blog Archive » Management material
17 March, 2014 at 20:45

[…] 57 days […]