Writing for the future

27 February, 2018

About a year after my son was born, when my memory started working again, I started writing a blog about the things he was getting up to.

I started it on 19 September 2010, 2718 days ago. In that time I have made 733 posts, roughly one every four days. Obviously there are peaks and troughs, but that’s a nice average to have. Enough time can pass between each one for something new, nice or surprising to happen and warrant recording.

I don’t use pictures, only words, because I’m keen that moving blogging platforms, or the vagaries of image resizing don’t destroy it over time. In 18 months my son will be ten, I think that’ll probably be enough posts to get it printed out and bound. I’ve used many times with great success, but there are other services which do WordPress-specific imports so hopefully I’ll find something which lets me do it nice and easily as well as making something that looks good, and lets me preserve my digital record well past the ability of any digital records management.

See other posts tagged with books diary general writing and all posts made in February 2018.