8 posts tagged with "books"

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Books of May 2024

06 July, 2024 - 285 words
May saw books set in the future and the past. The Arc of a Scythe trilogy by Neal Shusterman, made up of Scythe, Thunderhead, and The Toll were an interesting look at a future where humanity has overcome death and instituted an organisation called Scythes whose role is to kill a fixed number of people per year in orde...

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Books of April 2024

13 May, 2024 - 430 words
It's springtime! What was I reading? Hardwired by Walter Jon Williams - “the acknowledged inspiration for the games Cyberpunk Red and Cyberpunk 2077” follows a smuggler who connects his brain directly to his vehicle when running across borders and a street mercenary who took the wrong job. Can they face off against the ruler...

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Books of March 2024

30 April, 2024 - 320 words
Gosh, April nearly slipped away without me noting what I read last month. Here we go: Gateway by Frederik Pohl, one of the S.F. Masterworks series and an odd book, more about a man’s visit to his (robot) psychiatrist than exploring the galaxy (and certainly not the space opera I was sold by the blurb on the back), but an interesting start to a series of books for sure.

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Books of February 2024

24 March, 2024 - 282 words
As predicted it was impossible to maintain the rate of January, obviously this is a system which I can game if I just read novellas! Ella Minnow Pea – a fictional story of authoritarianism implemented through removing l...

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Books of January 2024

25 February, 2024 - 280 words
First in what is likely to be a short-lived series. The Murderbot Diaries books 1-7 by Martha Wells, mostly good, mostly novellas and thus totally overpriced at around 10p per page (most other books I compared to came in at between 2 and 5 pence per page). They’re good but not that good. Get them from the library or borrow...

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Writing for the future

27 February, 2018 - 187 words
About a year after my son was born, when my memory started working again, I started writing a blog about the things he was getting up to. I started it on 19 September 2010, 2718 days ago. In that time I have made 733 posts, roughly one every four days. Obviously there are peaks and troughs, but that’s a nice average to have. Enough time can pass between each one for something new, nice o...

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What are librarians for?

19 May, 2011 - 199 words
Seth Godin wrote an interesting piece about libraries recently, and it rang true with me. I’m reading more than ever, but I wouldn’t even bother asking a librarian what I should read next. Public librarians today seem to act more like sentinels of dead-tree collections. They own the data, they ti...

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Reading eBooks

21 March, 2010 - 601 words
I’ve now read three books on my phone (you can see which ones here). I never thought it would be possible to read on a screen that wasn’t designed for this purpose; I was sure that you’d need a Kindle or Nook-type screen to be able to read in comfort and for long periods of time.

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