1015 posts tagged with "general"

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Books of January 2024

25 February, 2024 - 280 words
First in what is likely to be a short-lived series. The Murderbot Diaries books 1-7 by Martha Wells, mostly good, mostly novellas and thus totally overpriced at around 10p per page (most other books I compared to came in at between 2 and 5 pence per page). They’re good but not that good. Get them from the library or borrow...

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mdtable-pretty-printer is a plugin for Inkdrop

10 February, 2024 - 176 words
mdtable-pretty-printer is a plugin for Inkdrop which tidies markdown tables in your notes. This is the first plugin I’ve written for Inkdrop, and was an interesting experience. Plugins are written in JavaScript, which I don’t write a lot of, and follow React-based patterns which I’m...

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Habit forming

09 January, 2024 - 494 words
Tom Scott has just finished ten years of his weekly Things You Might Not Know series on YouTube. Simon Willison has wr...

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Getting going with Gemini

19 October, 2023 - 448 words
I’ve been really interested in Gemini space for about a year now, having read the protocol and used a few web proxies to explore Gemini space. I finally went whole hog and downloaded a Gemini browser, Lagrange on my home com...

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When my bins go out

06 October, 2023 - 300 words
I had to write some PHP to tell me when to put out my bins because my council doesn’t follow their own rules for collections. Every week my council organises the collection of our 5 bins – but there is a pattern to how they are collected. This is a pretty simple pattern,...

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Prefer planned rework to big bang delivery

08 June, 2023 - 240 words
We have a few large projects on at work to replace key legacy systems and are discussing how to do that. Most of the discussions so far have tended to end up in a position where an incremental piece of delivery of the large overall system has been rejected because we know it will require rework later. In this case, knowing about the rework is good! For large projects which ...

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Riding my bike online

26 February, 2023 - 274 words
I like riding my bicycle. I like being outside; I like getting exercise; I like that I can do it solo and leave all my daily concerns at home as I cycle on a dedicated paved path which winds its way between crop fields and over bridges. Or at least I did until I moved house from somewhere I could be on that path in seconds, to somewhere where I have to dismantle my bike, put it in the bo...

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Look on my works

11 February, 2023 - 371 words
A few years ago I read Ivanhoe and, as intended, ended up suitably grumpy at the French and felt sorry for the Saxons. Last weekend some roadworks forced me to drive through Cricklade for the first time. Cricklade was founde...

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Make it easy to write objectives

04 February, 2023 - 333 words
I have never worked with a software developer who enjoyed writing their quarterly or annual objectives. Most had been previously burned out by laborious processes which either meant two objectives take hours to write, or they’re easy to write but vague enough that they take hours to evidence every 3 months. In some cases they’ve even had objectives in which they had no say because they w...

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