1015 posts tagged with "general"

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Time management resolution

29 January, 2023 - 189 words
I don’t do resolutions, but I have changed how I approach something at work for this year, and so I guess that counts, right? I now have regular blocks of time in my calendar marked out as “Busy. Any meetings added in this time will be declined.”. This was after I realised I had multiple days in a week where in 7 hours I was doing a dozen or more meetings and was feeling totally burnt ou...

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Microsoft's collaboration tools are terrible

22 January, 2023 - 480 words
Not only are their tools terrible, but everyone involved in their creation should feel bad. Let’s name the subjects of most of my ire, in no particular order: Microsoft Teams Azure DevOps Office 365 (or whatever this week’s branding is) Each of these tools is **substantially** behind their competitors. The easiest comparison to draw is with Go...

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God of War Ragnarok is underwhelming

15 January, 2023 - 317 words
God of War Ragnarok has been underwhelming so far I am in the early stages of God of War Ragnarok. The first game was a brilliant revitalisation of a game series which had had its origins and gameplay strip-mined by a succession of inferior sequels during the 2000s and early 2010s. This game, after playing for 5 ...

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Things I learned on holiday

08 August, 2022 - 120 words
My DVD rip of The Devil Wears Prada includes the closed-caption audio and not the regular audio A Chromebook is a perfectly reasonable development device using the built-in Linux support – git, Sublime Code and my particular build toolchain all worked fine

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Season Two: Dan Hon Dreams

23 April, 2022 - 339 words
I don’t do newsletters, but this is how those funky cool kids are naming their newsletters, so why not me? After my stint at Kaluza helping them with their Mission Transition to he...

read more has great content that is hard to read

19 November, 2021 - 145 words
I really like a lot of the content on – ranging from simple advice for new tech leaders to insightful ideas for veterans, it is worth getting on their mailing list by using the signup box at the bottom of every page. But. Every article I...

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Unpause and record

04 September, 2021 - 317 words
After finishing a year-long stint working for the Government Digital Service to deliver support to people during the worst of the pandemic, I took a month off.

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How to restore a deleted Twitter video using your Firefox cache

07 July, 2021 - 527 words
Caveats: You must have used your computer to view the Twitter video, not a phone or tablet! I used the process below on Windows, but similar approaches will apply on Mac and Linux and to Google Chrome. Earlier today someone I follow on Twitter posted a video which they subsequently deleted. I liked the video and wanted to share it, but it was gone! Of course, browsers cache most w...

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Week 34: Washi

25 June, 2021 - 335 words
The most important thing that has happened in weeks occurred! I found my cat-themed washi tape! This means the work todo lists in my Hobonichi Techo are now much prettier, and if it’s ever getting too long I can insert some paws or fish to break it up into chunks. Much better; good light-hearted stress relief. Euro 2020 has started in 2021 and England have played their first game...

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