8 posts tagged with "java"

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Dependency Injection

03 March, 2018 - 56 words
I was busy writing a blog post about types of dependency injection, since it’s come up a few times at work, but it seems as though Roger has done it for me: Java: Spring Dependency Injection Patterns – The good, the bad, and the ugly. Basically: use constructor injection.

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The surprise of Spring Boot

14 March, 2017 - 300 words
I am a long time Java programmer. It was what I used to write my final year project at university, and it was my first, second and third jobs. That third job lasted more than a decade and, alongside a huge amount of other things, I got to deliver a number of projects in both PHP and Ruby. PHP was interesting and I’d happily work in it again, but Ruby was fun. Terse, expre...

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Logging database content changes in a Play Framework app

20 June, 2012 - 391 words
To do this we use Hibernate Envers. There are 3 easy steps to adding change logging to the data in your existing Play Framework app (I am using 1.2.4 – version 2 may well be different): Add the library Add the standard configuration Add an annotation to each cl...

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Setting up the Play framework on Google App Engine

14 December, 2009 - 282 words
The Play framework is the most fun I’ve had developing Java web applications. It’s fast, natural, comes with a rails-like scaffolding for CRUD operations on your model, has built-in Selenium testing as well as unit and f...

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Java makes me passionate

20 November, 2008 - 767 words
Seriously. I really like Java, it’s a fundamentally great language. Verbose at times, but great. However, web application development in Java is painful. Additionally, the compilation and deployment of Java webapps completely suck. I mean, they’re terrible. I dread to think how many frameworks exist in Java to ease web app development – each one claiming it...

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Struts2 + Hibernate + Spring

22 January, 2008 - 381 words
At work we’re playing with creating a personal-homepage application in the style of iGoogle and others. We’re a Java shop, using pretty basic JSP+servlets+Hibernate as our standard application development structure. Since when we formed we were quite a varied team in skillset this has meant that everyone is now more or less equally versed in core Java web ...

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Using GAlternatives is fun, tasty

24 June, 2007 - 152 words
![G Alternatives screenshot]( Alternatives_small.png) If you’ve got a raw Ubuntu box it probably came with gij, the GNU Java runtime interpreter. If you’ve installed Sun’s JDK using sudo apt-get install sun-java5-jdk then you’ll now have Sun’s runtime but gi...

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Using GAlternatives is fun, tasty

24 June, 2007 - 152 words
![G Alternatives screenshot]( Alternatives_small.png) If you’ve got a raw Ubuntu box it probably came with gij, the GNU Java runtime interpreter. If you’ve installed Sun’s JDK using sudo apt-get install sun-java5-jdk then you’ll now have Sun’s runtime but gi...

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