Scrum in web teams – an apology

21 September, 2010

A few months ago at the Institutional Web Manager’s Workshop I helped run a session on PRINCE2 and Scrum with Peter Barnes from the University of Reading.

I was terrible.

At the start of the session we collected several common problems that people face on their projects. From memory, these included:

  • missed deadlines
  • incomplete specs
  • feature creep
  • under-resourcing
  • no requirement to finish (managers don’t care about the project)

I failed to address any of these points, managing only to give a reasonably poor overview of Scrum as a whole, making both myself and Scrum look bad.

I plan on addressing the issues above in a series of blog posts tagged with “iwmw2010” which was the hashtag for the event to try and cover what I should have done at the time. Feel free to subscribe to the feed for just that content!

See other posts tagged with agile general iwmw2010 scrum and all posts made in September 2010.